Fake Coffee News is a thing too.

I often roll my eyes at coffee news reported by mainstream media outlets. Stories get sensationalized, false controversies stirred up and important details are often missed. Take the opening paragraph of a recent article from The Independent:

“Third Wave Water: How Hipsters Finally Ruined Coffee”.

“A new company are [sic] creating soluble capsules designed to make coffee-optimised [sic] water.

If you’re the kind of person that insists on quizzing the barista about their beans or judges casual coffee drinkers for getting an instant fix, then you’re in for a treat.

For the rest of us though, the launch of Third Wave Water serves as nothing more than hipster buffoonery.”
Aside from the author's poor writing, this article creates a false dichotomy. Either you don't really care about better coffee or you're a pretentious jerk. When in doubt, bash.

As you may know I am excited by Third Wave Water. People ask me how they can improve their homebrewed coffee all the time. Near the top of my list of recommendations is to use water optimized for coffee. Third Wave Water gives us another option for doing just that.

When it comes to coffee, there are a lot of news sources faking the funk. To combat that I’d like to share links to sites that I use for my coffee info. Links are provided in order of least to most coffee nerdery.

Click the photo to link through to the website.

Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine

Aside from being an approachable and reliable source for coffee happenings, DCN also did a small feature on your's truly.


Since 2009, Sprudge has been publishing original features highlighting coffee culture, news, and events. With a network of over seventy writers around the world, we cover the latest and greatest in coffee—from new cafes opening in cities worldwide to unique and specialized programs and events.
-Sprudge Staff

The Coffee Concierge

The Coffee Concierge is an amazing resource for anyone who wants to up their at-home coffee game.  The site features, brewing how-to's, product reviews and demonstrations. 

Barista Hustle

Barista Hustle is my favorite resource for the highest level coffee concepts.  Using a mix of physical and thought experiments, BH is helping baristas across the world push the envelope of great coffee.